Leadership Coaching & Consultancy Services
What can I do to improve responsiveness to leadership training?
You will need to identify people within the organization who show a positive aptitude to leadership. We can help you with this first step, then we can focus on building trust within your organization.
The best approach? Tailored Leadership Training to suit your situation and then coaching to embed the lessons learned
Staff Engagement Climate Survey
The first is the Climate Survey. Part of this tool is designed to identify the extent to which leadership traits are being applied within your organization and the actions that your leaders need to take to improve the level of staff engagement. Well led organisations have higher employee engagement, and engaged employees respond better to leadership.
Find out more about our Work Climate Questionnaire© (WCQ©).
Leadership 360 evaluation
The leaders in your organization need feedback about their ability to lead if they are to improve their leadership. This tool allows your leaders to get feedback from across the organization on how well they are leading and the improvements they can make to the way they lead key relationships, and generate results through others.
Find out more about our Leadership Index 360 Evaluation.

Leading Change
To get the best from your leaders, sometimes there are changes which you need to make to your organization as part of the development process. Our tailored approach allows this to happen quite naturally. Our outside / inside perspective will be invaluable to your leadership development journey.
To talk to us about our leadership consultancy contact us
Overall the combination of leadership training and coaching will create better customer service both internally and externally and in turn generate more customers as advocates.
So is Leadership Training worth the effort?
Leadership requires the existence of trust, and it’s this which can take time to build. Our leadership training is designed to help your people understand how trust works and how it is built over time to create an environment which fosters leadership and the application of discretionary effort. This is a different kind of motivated effort which when your people give it, can make enormous differences in the results achieved.