We have worked with some fabulous companies over the years and have been delighted with their feedback.
Find out more about who we’ve helped and what the benefits were to their business.
“My name is Grant Devine and I am the Sales Director for a midlands based engineering company called 2JCP Ltd. We are world leaders in acoustic and filtration packages for industrial Gas Turbine equipment and auxiliaries. We have a strong mechanical, electrical and acoustic engineering focus, bringing in excess of 300 years of industry experience to the market with a UK team of just 15 employees.
I recently completed the ‘Director Development Programme’ through the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce, led by Charles Barnascone.
It is fair to say that, going into the course, there are certain things that you will perhaps already know or be aware of, or certain things that you will think you know. However, make no mistake, Charles has an invaluable aptitude at grounding all of the various elements taught in the course, piecing them together logically and allowing them to make sense. Examples of this would be time management, leadership and employee / team engagement.
I participated in the programme online because of the Coronavirus pandemic, but engagement and interactions with the participants still took place to an exceptional standard, despite not being taught in the normal environment.
The online courses were well structured and just as effective as being sat in a ‘classroom’ environment (the only things missing were the cake and other goodies!)
It is testament to Charles that I feel I have taken away as much as I would have otherwise learned being physically present.
The East Midlands Chamber and the courses carried out by Charles come highly recommended (whether online or – in future – in person)!
I now feel fully motivated to go and lead our team and bring the company to the next level.
Huge thanks to Charles and Vicki for their support.”
Charles started working with One Site Solutions in 2014 as part of the Growth Accelerator Programme.
We have since enlisted Charles’ help periodically with Training and coaching support over the years and his advice and guidance has been invaluable.
Working with Charles has helped us develop the business and the people within it such that we have a very strong team of people who are loyal to our business.
I can safely say that we would not have achieved the success we have enjoyed without Charles’ support
We have used Infinite Possibilities to support us with sales meetings, and the facilitation of Possibility Thinking. They have adapted and fit into our culture very well and helped us generate new ideas to develop our business. Charles has made a number of helpful contributions to the sessions that he has run which are inspiring and practical, and I would be happy to recommend him to other businesses looking to develop sales.
After a re-organisation of the business, the Senior Management Team decided it was necessary to generate greater levels of employee engagement.
After consulting with Charles Barnascone of Infinite Possibilities, an approach was identified to give the employees greater clarity about the objectives of the business and what was important about the way it would operate to achieve those objectives.
With Charles’s help the team created a new vision and values for the business and visual performance monitoring system to allow them to regularly communicate to the team the progress made towards the business objectives and maintain employee engagement.
Mark Faulconbridge – Director – commented on the process and the results long-term – “The process implemented by Charles and the management team has been invaluable. Now, after 3 years in place, we are still seeing the benefits of this approach despite inevitable changes to the business
As part of working with Infinite Possibilities Ltd, we identified a series of goals that we wanted to tackle at our International Conference, one of which was to gain an additional £1million of revenue. At the end of the conference we had 7 weeks to accomplish the goal and we succeeded. I believe that using Possibility Thinking was instrumental to us achieving the goal.
Prior to the team development project, the employees within the business were split into sales and operations. One of the objectives set was to have these two teams working together more effectively.
The structure of business was changed so that there would be a mix of operations people and account managers within each team, then Infinite Possibilities were commissioned to deliver a sales training and account management programme to suit all team members and bring the “teams” together.
The focus had to be two fold – to improve the sales skills of everyone within the business from different backgrounds and to get them working more effectively as teams through a combination of training and coaching.
Gemma Cutting – Deputy MD of PromoVeritas commented on the IPL approach. “What we found most useful was the way Charles adapted to the audience to accommodate and make the most of a mixture of experience and function.”
“Charles’ approach was tailored to our sales approach so that everyone now has a clear understanding that they have a sales role and can contribute to sales success, even if they don’t have sales in their job title”
Gemma continued “The benefits to myself and our employees is that Charles opened the team eyes to another point of view and just what can be achieved when they work together, in addition every team member now has a new set of skills they can use with any client interaction and in any interpersonal environment. We are clearly seeing the results of Charles’ help in the growth of our business”
When asked why she recommends working with Infinite Possibilities, Gemma says “Because they successfully brought different people together and challenged their ways of thinking. People now understand the contribution they make and that no one person is more important than the other. As a business we are seeing the commercial benefits of that change in thinking with a far more seamless delivery of projects to our clients, meaning one thing – happier clients, wanting to do repeat business”
Through working with Infinite Possibilities, we have more co-operation between teams and functions than there was previously. It is easier now to move people on to different tasks to suit client needs. Individually, staff recognise their part in the whole process more easily and attitudes are more positive. Communication both ways has improved considerably and we are now achieving higher output with fewer, but more motivated staff.
Infinite Possibilities helped the directors of ODB formulate a strategy, and delivered the training to implement the strategy. Our objective setting using the Possibility Thinking process has been very good. As an example we now have 6 additional agents that we wouldn’t have otherwise – a valuable source of business leads for us. I feel that we have become much better at achieving results as a consequence of working with Infinite Possibilities